Gravestone Pictures

To the extent possible under law, Margaret Nancy Whyte has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Oddquine's Gravestone Pictures. This work is published from: United Kingdom.

As I am getting on a bit, as many of my photos are not freely available for genealogical purposes anywhere else on the internet, and as my sites will go down when I go, I have decided the time has come to take myself out of the equation, and upload all the full size photos for anyone to download and use as they will, whether that be to add them to one of the other gravestone sites, or just for personal use.

I will, as long as I can, be happy to send anyone who requests it, a copy of the entry in the appropriate Monumental Inscriptions Book, if I have it, because many of those stones are identifiable from the books, but are not always particularly legible in a photo. Those cemeteries for which I have the books have an email link in the paragraph after the waiver so I can be contacted for a transcription

I still have photos to go through and upload so there may well be changes on pages or even new pages from time to time, if only because I have "other sides" of some column/pillar stones, and parts of flat/table stones, which I used to send out along with the main, requested side, and am still trying to make up my mind about a cut-off date for the more modern stones and those older ones with more modern inscriptions added.

Please get in touch HERE if you find I have made a mess of the uploading, as I have just sampled pages, not checked every thumbnail to see if it is working. And again, I apologise for the standard of the photos....a photographer I'm not...and when it comes to table and flat stones, I'm too short to get high enough above the inscription to ensure legibility.

Caithness Cemeteries

Inverness Cemeteries

Nairn Cemeteries

Ross-shire Cemeteries

Morayshire Cemeteries

Below is the link to an excellent site with photos and/or monumental inscriptions of all stones and a site search engine!

Latheron Old, Latheron New and Clyth

Some useful sites for those researching their Scottish Roots